Attendance Policy


Revised June 29, 2020

KMS Handbook & Policy reference pages 14-16 uploaded 8.5.24

Rationale: In order for students at Konawaena Middle School to receive the maximum benefit of their education, they must be in the classroom on a regular and consistent basis. Regular attendance is the responsibility of the student and their parent. By attending school regularly, students develop the habits and attitudes necessary to be responsible and contributing members of the community.


Hawaii Public Schools' attendance policy is governed by state law (Hawaii Revised Statutes 302A-1132) and Hawaii Board 4140: Compulsory School Attendance Policy. It states: "The Department of Education shall make every effort to ensure student school attendance in accordance with the compulsory attendance law". Due to this responsibility, a doctor’s verification of illness may be requested; and students who are truant, chronic absentees or chronically tardy may be referred by the school to Family Court. Pursuant to H.R.S. , 571-11(2) Family Court can place a child under its jurisdiction for truancy if the child is not attending school or is not receiving the educational services required by law.

Konawaena Middle School uses Parent Square, a calling system to report unverified absences to parents. If you don’t report a child’s absence, an automated call will go out after 10:15 am to notify that your child has been marked absent-unexcused from morning advisory and first block.

Parent/Guardians must call the school office before 8:00 am to report an absence. If you’re leaving a message, please clearly state your name, student’s name, grade and reason for absence. If you receive the Parent Square attendance call, and your child should be in school, please call the school immediately. 

If your child is absent and you’re unable to call, please send a signed note to the main office when your child returns to school.

In addition to attendance, you may also receive an automated call or e-mail from School Messenger regarding important school announcements.

The DOE policy makes a clear distinction between an “absence” and “truancy”. 

A student is Absent-Excused when he/she is not physically present in school for at least half of the school day for the following reasons:

  • Death in the immediate family member (parent, sibling, grandparent only). Obituary required.
  • Doctor or dentist appointment. Signed note pertaining to student from doctor/dentist office required.
  • Court (letter pertaining to student from courthouse required)
  • Serious illness after 5 school days also requires a doctor’s note. When the student has accrued ten absences, either excused or unexcused, the teachers/counselor may call to arrange a meeting with the parents.

A student who is marked absent is responsible for making up work within the quarter marking period.

A student is Absent-Unexcused when he/she is absent for the following reasons:

  • Missed the bus and had no transportation
  • Had to baby-sit, overslept, entertaining visitors/guests
  • Family Vacations, (i.e. on/off island), trips (i.e. extended out of country)*
  • Parent/guardian reports absence but does not give a reason.
  • Personal appointments, and appointments not pertaining to absent student.

A student is Truant when he/she is absent for the following reason:

  • Parent/guardian doesn’t call the school office regarding the reason of absence.

*Parent/Guardian must notify the school in writing as soon as any plans for any extended absences have been made. The principal has the discretion to decide if the absences will be excused or unexcused depending if student academics are adversely affected, and/or if prior attendance has been a concern. Administration will notify the parents/guardian of their decision. Teachers are required to provide make-up work for excused absences only.

Students will be marked truant if parent/guardian does not contact the school within two days of an absence. Teachers are not obligated to provide make-up work for students who are truant. An “F” or “0” may be given for work that is missed by the student.


Unexcused absences and tardies affect a student’s academic performance and achievement. Students are expected to arrive at school before the first bell. 

If a student arrives after school has begun, they must report to the office where they will be marked “tardy” and be given an admit slip to class. 

If the tardy is due to medical/dental appointment, please bring a verified doctor or dentist note. The note must pertain to the tardy student.


When a student is early released from school, their missed classes will be marked absent-unexcused. If the early release is for a medical/dental appointment, please bring a verified doctor or dentist note on the next school day. The note must pertain to the released student.


For absences due to suspension which are 3 days or fewer teachers are not required to provide makeup work. However, an automatic “F” or “0” shall not be given for assignments that students are not allowed to make up or for mere physical absence from class. Teachers should provide work for students who are suspended for 4 days or more.


Student attendance is a factor in student achievement. Each of us plays an important role in the implementation of the compulsory attendance law.


  • Understand and follow Konawaena Middle School’s Attendance Policy.
  • Will request make up work from their teacher with the understanding that if the absence is considered truant the teacher is not obligated to give the student their work.


  • Understand and follow Konawaena Middle School’s Attendance Policy.
  • Contact the school when child is absent from school.
  • Provide official documentation for medical, dental and court appointments.
  • Monitor their child’s attendance and tardies.

KMS Staff and Administration:

Konawaena’s staff and administration is responsible for fulfilling all responsibilities stated in the Attendance policy in a timely manner and maintaining accurate records of all contacts with students, parents, DOE and judicial representatives.


Konawaena Middle School staff will follow these procedures when addressing attendance concerns.


  1. Parent Square sends calls and messages to parent/guardian for unexcused absences.

STEP TWO (Heads Up Stage) 5-10 days

  1. The Advisory Teacher will attempt to make contact with the parent/guardian when a student has 5+ unexcused absences and the absence has not been called into the school office.

  1. The Advisory Teacher will inform their team and School Counselor. School counselor will meet with the Advisory Teacher or team of teachers.

  1. Counselor will make a phone call home and/or sends home Attendance Letter #1.

  1. Advisory teacher will counsel with student regarding attendance.

STEP THREE (Warning Stage) 10-15 days

  1. The Counselor will contact the parent/guardian via phone call or letter (Attendance Letter #2) to schedule a conference with the Counselor, Administration and team representative. A plan to assist with ensuring regular attendance will be developed.

  1. Counselor will meet with student.

  1. If parent does not attend the conference, a letter will be sent home regarding the plan to improve attendance and to notify the parent that Family Court for Non-Attendance will be the next step if their child’s attendance does not improve.

STEP FOUR (Final Stage) 15+ days

  1. Parents will be notified that a petition to Family Court for non-attendance will be filed due to continued absences from school. A Family Court petition will be filed.